Find your new career

Interested in starting a meaningful job but not sure what position is right for you? This quiz features some of the top in-demand positions that are looking for people right away.

Have more questions about this job or other careers in direct support? Fill out this form to meet with a Career Navigator who can answer questions about this position and other opportunities in this field.

A colorful illustration of a smiling man. He is sitting in a plush chair looking down at a laptop.

Career Quiz

Take our career interest quiz to find out which of these top in-demand jobs suits you best.

What do you like to wear to work?
How many hours a week would you like to work?
Who do you like to work with?
What job tasks would you like to do?
What benefits are most exciting to you, check all that apply:
Check Answers

A career navigator can help you discover what job might be the right fit for you.