
As you pursue opportunities in this rewarding field, there are so many tools and resources to provide support.

Check back as more resources become available.

Having trouble finding a resource? Contact us.

A colorful illustration of a man looking at a sign post with multiple street signs pointing in different directions.

Healthcare Training for ME

Healthcare Training for ME is a statewide collaboration of educational institutions and government agency partners convened to ensure Maine’s workers and employers can easily access healthcare training opportunities and supports. Funding for Training for ME is provided through the Maine Jobs & Recovery Plan to advance Maine’s workforce and economic goals, with additional funds provided by the Harold Alfond Foundation.


When the time comes to repay your student loans, there are some things you need to know. Whether it’s how to do it or how to refinance or consolidate to save, FAME has the answers.

Cover ME

Maine’s state-based health insurance marketplace for staff who are not eligible for employer-sponsored benefit.

Child Care Affordability Program

CCAP helps eligible families to pay for child care so parents can work, go to school, or participate in a job training program. CCAP is also available for eligible families where the adult(s) are retired and are the legal guardian of a child.

Child Care Choices

Maine has different child care options to meet the various needs of families. Find resources to help you make the best child care choice for your family!

Maine Child Care Tax Credit

This credit is equal to 25% of the federal credit for child and dependent care expenses. The credit doubles if the expenses are related to a quality child care provider. This credit is also refundable up to $500.

Help Me Grow

Help Me Grow (HMG) Maine is a free information line linking families and professionals to information about child development, pregnancy, and community resources for children all over Maine up to the age of eight years old.

Maine Camps

You can search for summer camps, including camps with scholarships and financial aid.

Maine State Housing Authority

MaineHousing addresses problems of unsafe, unsuitable, overcrowded, and unaffordable housing and administers a number of federal housing programs, including the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program, the Section 8 Rental Assistance programs, the Emergency Solutions Grant Program, the Weatherization Program, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, and others. Such programs reduce the costs associated with housing for Maine people.

MaineHousing Housing Navigators

The navigators for this program work with families experiencing or at risk of homelessness to find and maintain housing.

Rental and Energy Assistance Programs

You can apply for support paying for rent, heating your home, and paying electric bills.

General Assistance

You may be able to get support from your city or town to help pay for basic needs, including rent, fuel & utilities, and household items.


StrengthenME is a DHHS-funded program that provides free stress management and resiliency resources to Maine residents coping with stress.

Maine’s Peer Support Warmline

If you want someone to talk to who has been through something similar, you can call this number 24/7.

Maine FrontLine WarmLine

The Maine FrontLine WarmLine is a warm line for healthcare workers, emergency responders, teachers and other school staff, and other frontline workers coping with stress. Individuals seeking support can call between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. seven days a week at (207) 221-8196 to speak with someone. The service is free and anonymous.

FrontLine WarmLine Posters for the Workplace:

Health Care Worker Support Groups

  • Maine Osteopathic Association: Weekly “Open Forums” for members and other healthcare providers. Wednesday nights at 7pm. Please email Amanda Richards at for password. 
Zoom Link Meeting ID: 986 960 4626
  • Hanley Virtual Peer Support Sessions: Thursdays from 4-6 pm 
Zoom Link
  • MaineHealth’s Resiliency ECHO Sessions: ECHO will focus on sustaining well-being and resilience in trauma-exposed health care teams. Experts from MaineHealth, Maine Medical Partners, and Maine Behavioral Healthcare will lead sessions focused on taking care of your emotional health during the coming months to help you sustain your well-being and enable you to better react to urgent needs. Every Wednesday from 12:00pm-12:50pm 
Zoom Link (Free Zoom Conference Call)

Maine Employee Rights Guide

Learn about your rights as an employee within the state of Maine

CareerCenter Employer Guide (PDF)

Let’s get down to business. Use this guide for self-directed help, or reach out for one-on-one assistance with your workforce needs.

Maine CareerCenter

Need help recruiting and training employees? Maine CareerCenter provides a variety of employment and training services. This comes at no charge for Maine workers and businesses.